
Actor Manoj’s revenge on Sabarinath; Fans with tears in their eyes

Yesterday, the news of the unexpected death of serial actor Sabari Nath came as a shock to his colleagues that a 45-year-old Sabari Nath had died of a heart attack.Manoj’s reaction to the news of the actor’s death is now shedding tears on social media.For a few hours last night I was in a state of unbalanced feeling like someone was moaning that Sabari had left this world.I do not understand anything. I can never comprehend.

Even at this moment, I am the first to call you, knowing the danger to our colleagues in Thiruvananthapuram.You will tell me all about it in detail. I called you first last night. Manojetta, I’m still here.

I never want to write the words of the deceased on my Facebook page to you who are younger than me because I am still alive and full with a full smile so tribute prostration you should never expect any of this from me I will not give you, that is the only way I can take revenge.

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